Bethesda United Church of Christ
Whether you have never been part of a church before or if you’ve been a long-time member somewhere else, we are here to help welcome you on your journey.
our church
If you have been thinking about visiting a new church in a new town or even a church for the first time, then you may be feeling unsure or cautious as to what to expect. You are not alone! Most, if not all of us, have had questions, because we all come from different places and have had different experiences. Whether you have never been part of a church before or if you’ve been a long-time member somewhere else, we are here to help welcome you on your journey. Here is what you can expect.
YES! Bethesda United Church of Christ (Bethesda UCC) is a very welcoming faith community.
We are an “open and affirming church” which means we are committed to welcoming people of every race, language, age, gender, ethnicity, economic status, mental or physical ability, and sexual orientation into the full life and ministry of the church.
Yes, you will! We don’t require you to pass a test or even recite a pledge. We all share the desire to explore our individual faith with others doing the same. You will find some who have been on a lifelong spiritual journey and others who may just be beginning to come to grips with what it means to have faith.
If you have children, we will show you the way to the Sunday School classes and introduce you to their Sunday School teacher. Or if your kids feel more comfortable staying with you, they are more than welcome in the worship service. There is also a rocking chair that we can bring into the sanctuary if that helps! There is an intercom in the next room if you need to step in and out. Our Sunday School teachers are parents or other members and they are wonderful at helping new children feel comfortable. We have a paid, experienced nursery attendant for the littlest ones so they have that consistency and care.
We support area food banks, provide meals for homeless shelters, repair homes with Rebuilding Together, collect school supplies and warm clothing for local elementary schools, and participate in cleaning up our local parks and streams-to name a few. For more a full list and more information, visit our “Groups/Participating in the Community” pages.
When you arrive at the front door for our worship service, there will be some friendly people to say hello, answer any questions you have, and direct you to the worship service. We will also give you a copy of our weekly bulletin which shows information about the Sunday service and has the week’́s announcements. And we will invite you to make a name badge (a nice way to connect with other people) or you may wish to be anonymous. Either way is fine!
After the worship service, we’d love to have you stay for a cup of coffee or some cookies and meet members and friends in the parlor. But we know you may also have to get to a soccer game or other activity!
On Sunday mornings at Bethesda UCC you will notice a wide diversity in what people wear. However you come is fine! Most everyone dress as they wish, comfortably, in anything from “office casual” to jeans and sneakers.
Our worship service is in a sanctuary with a high peaked roof and curved rows of chairs. You can choose to sit anywhere you’d like. A plain wooden cross hangs on a brick wall above a simple wood worship table decorated with candles and flowers. Colorful banners often hang from the high beams including three quilted banners – love, faith, and hope – that were created by Bethesda UCC members.
There is a meditation time in the sanctuary 15 minutes prior to the service. That time provides a space for quiet reflection and prayer – so many of us need that in this busy world.
The service begins with music by the choir. We have lots of singing by everyone throughout – a mix of musical styles from African American hymns, to “oldies but goodies” and contemporary hymns. There is a time for “joys and concerns” when worshippers offer what they wish to have lifted in prayer. Examples of what might be shared include a concern about strife in other parts of the world, prayers for our homeless sisters and brothers, joy in the progress of someone recovering from an illness or the celebration of the birth of a new baby or a special birthday.
Our minister offers a message/sermon rooted in the readings from the Bible that morning and delves into issues of what it means to live with love and hope, and follow Jesus in the world we live in today. We hope it will touch your heart, be relevant to your life, and leave you with something to reflect on in the week ahead.
The children all come into the sanctuary near the end of the service for a special children’s moment. Usually there is laughter and much insight. The service closes with a blessing as someone carries the light of the candles from the worship table out into the world.
During the first part of the service, the children and youth join the congregation for a special “Moment for Children,” often in the form of a conversation with the minister about faith. The kids are then free to leave for Sunday School, however they are always invited to stay for the rest of the worship service. As a church community, we celebrate the gifts our youth and children bring to us when they read scripture, participate in drama, or offer musical talent.
DEFINITELY! We welcome everyone who would like to receive communion because we are celebrating Jesus’ extravagant welcome and love. We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month as part of the worship service and remember Jesus’ last supper with the disciple.
Worship at BUCC is never static—it is full of meaning and the Spirit! If you worship at Bethesda UCC, you will find music, banners, and surprising visual elements that share the gospel and the scripture in new ways.
We are in Bethesda at the intersection of Democracy Boulevard and Fernwood Road just east of Montgomery Mall. You will find ample parking right next to the building.
The building is all on one floor with easy access to the parking lot, sanctuary, classrooms, and fellowship hall. It’s a simple design that is inviting at every turn. We also have assisted hearing devices and large print bulletins for anyone who needs them.
We hope this will give you some idea of what to expect. We would love to welcome you and share in your faith journey experience!
We seek to put our faith into action. We examine issues facing our world, debate them openly, and take them seriously.
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