Bethesda United Church of Christ

Participating in the Community

At BUCC, we believe that the heart of Christianity is about loving others and doing good in the world. As ways of sharing our gifts with each other, our neighbors and the world, we participate in the following community service and outreach projects


Sunday 10:30 am:

Worship is in person or virtual

Join virtually here.

Community Outreach

Advocacy Resources

Members are invited to respond to timely social justice concerns through various forms such as signing petitions and contacting our local representatives. Prior examples are healthcare issues, marriage equality in Maryland, the Dream Act, Black Lives Matter, gun violence, and support for a name change for the Washington football team. We keep people informed about advocacy resources available through the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries.


Community outreach

Supporting the Homeless

For at least one week each year, BUCC provides all the meals and kitchen supplies for the 35 homeless residents at the Interfaith Works’ New Leaf shelter.

We make and bag lunches and we prepare and serve dinner every evening.  This is a large endeavor involving dozens of BUCC members. The New Lead Shelter is a low-barrier, 30-bed emergency shelter serving adults of all genders.


Community Outreach

Rebuilding Together

On multiple Saturdays each spring, BUCC partners with other congregations to do gardening, painting, and general home repairs to make homes safer and healthier, more energy efficient, and more accessible for low-income, elderly, disabled, and otherwise disadvantaged homeowners.



Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”– but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.

James 2:15-17


Year-Round Giving

There is a bin in the church narthex to collect nonperishable food for the Bethesda Help Food Pantry. There is a clothing donation bin in the church parking lot for the Interfaith Clothing Center.


Disaster Relief:  When a disaster strikes, anywhere in the world, we collect and distribute whatever is necessary to provide relief.


Thanksgiving Food

BUCC members donate food and grocery store gift cards to provide a Thanksgiving dinner for many low income families served by Linkages to Learning at Viers Mill Elementary School.


Mitten Tree

Every December the BUCC Christmas tree is decorated with gloves, hats, scarves, and other warm apparel for elementary school aged children. These are delivered to our Linkages to Learning partner school, Viers Mill Elementary School.


Christmas Toys

Toys and presents are collected for the National Center for Children and Families. 


Support Linkages

for Learning

Linkages to Learning is a community school partnership with an integrated focus on health, social services, community engagement and leadership to support student learning, strong families, and healthy communities.



School Supply Drive

BUCC collects and donates new school supplies and backpacks for elementary age students in the Montgomery County Public Schools each summer to help children from low-income families start school with the tools they need for learning. Everything is distributed to children by Linkages to Learning, which has social workers in targeted elementary schools in the county.


Time and goods are not the only way you can help the community. A monetary gift can help any group trying to serve those in need. We receive a number of special collections supporting our community efforts. Even though many of the community opportunities and special collections are seasonal, you can still support them throughout the year by setting aside extra supplies or making an earmarked donation. BUCC donates funds to each of the following groups. You may contribute to any of these by giving a check with the group’s name in the memo.

Environmental activism

Reducing our Carbon Footprint

We have moved from awareness to action in becoming better stewards of the environment both corporately and personally. As a church we have many changes to reduce our carbon footprint.

environmental activism

Green Church Covenant

As faithful and loving people, we believe peace and justice are God’s plan for all creation. God, the Creator, calls us to care for, appreciate, and enjoy all of creation. Relying on God, the Sustainer, we strive to live in harmony with all people and the environment by respecting and honoring God’s creation. As humble stewards, we commit to deal justly with one another and the earth in all areas of our personal and our church lives. Through study, prayer, and reflection, we strive to reduce our carbon footprint.

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