
Homing Instinct; Rev. Dee Ledger, December 6, 2020

Maybe you have felt like you have been exiled this entire year.  Maybe because of upheaval in your work life or your retired life or your family life, you have been in a constant state of uncertainty, flux, and anxiety.  Perhaps you feel as if you’ve been away from the familiar, away from any kind… [Read More]

Vigilant; Rev. Dee Ledger, November 29, 2020

Some things just won’t get done.  Can we just admit that right at the beginning of this build-up to Christmas and save ourselves and our loved ones some strain, stress, argument, and worry?  Some things just won’t get ordered, or if ordered, they will come late or not at all because, well, we are in… [Read More]

Sheep, Goats, and Gratitude; Rev. Dee Ledger, November 22, 2020

There really should be a third option.  How many of you get frustrated when things appear to be either one way or another, with no middle way, no third possibility, no gray areas, no wiggle room—either THIS or THAT?  Remember those multiple-choice personality tests?  Remember trying to figure out if you were more “A” or… [Read More]

Love is Particular; Rev. Dee Ledger, October 25, 2020

Today, again, Jesus is in a debate with his religious brothers, the Pharisees.  The religious leaders and Jesus have been sparring for a while now.  However, we forget that Jesus was a practicing Jew and that the Pharisees, as depicted in the bible, were not a monolithic group.  There were different schools of religious thought… [Read More]

Render; Rev. Dee Ledger, October 18, 2020

To talk about taxes on a Sunday, on a Sabbath, might seem strange.  But let’s dive in, shall we?  Do you remember the first time that you learned about taxes: what they were for, how they were calculated, and what entities collect them?  I don’t think that I really was very cognizant of taxes until… [Read More]

Keep On; Rev. Dee Ledger, October 11, 2020

How do you handle conflict?  Do you tend to shy away from conflict?  Or do you tend to be he confrontational sort?  In your friendships and in your workplace, are you known as the “fixer” or the “mediator”?  When there is upheaval in your life, do you tend to have more conflicts or fewer?  What… [Read More]

Revive; Rev. Dee Ledger, October 4, 2020 World Communion Sunday

What revives your soul?  When life has handed you a raw deal, when tempests rage around you and within you, when you are weary—oh so weary—what revives your soul?  Where is your respite?  Certainly, for many of us, living with the reality of Covid-19 has changed the way in which we revive and refresh ourselves,… [Read More]

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