Bethesda United Church of Christ
as we worship God together, journey in the spirit, and share our gifts with each other, our neighbors, and the world.
Nourish your soul with the Bread of LIfe. When the world feels heavy - divided and uncertain - hearts ache, minds seek peace, and souls hunger for hope. In these moments the bread of life reminds us of abundance. There is enough love, grace, and hope for all.
our church
We are a diverse and eclectic group of people at various places on our spiritual journey. We come from a wide range of countries, experiences, family structure, orientations, and backgrounds. We are adjusting to the changes that time thrusts upon us. We come together because we have found a community of support and strength, welcome and love.
our church
From the moment you walk through our doors, we hope that you feel God’s welcome from the people of Bethesda United Church of Christ. We are glad you found us and we warmly welcome you to worship with us. Whether you visit us on occasion, attend regularly, or formally make BUCC your church home by joining as a member, we hope that you will take advantage of the many opportunities to share in fellowship, serve our community, and grow in your spiritual journey.
If you are new to our church and would like to explore membership, the Welcome Team hosts Inquirers’ Gatherings several times a year as needed. This is an informal gathering for anyone who has questions about our congregation, the United Church of Christ, or even what it means to be a member of a church. It is an opportunity for us to get to know you better as well as for you to meet other newcomers to BUCC.
For those who choose to become members of BUCC, we have a brief welcoming ceremony during Sunday worship. After that, we like to introduce you to one other person in the congregation who will act as a “mentor” so that you may better get to know your new church.
Our community gathers for worship in the sanctuary each Sunday morning. Our time together is filled with music, prayers, regular communion, and a message or sermon.
On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrate communion as part of the worship service and remember Jesus’ last supper with the disciples. We welcome everyone who would like to receive communion
Everyone is welcome to join the choir for the season from September through June or just for a special holiday including Advent/Christmas and/or Lent/Easter. The choir primarily rehearses before worship at 9:00 a.m on Sunday mornings. There are a few after-service rehearsals at the beginning of the new season in the fall, before Advent, and before Lent.
We all share the desire to explore our individual faith with others doing the same.
Interim Pastor
Director of Music
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
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